October 14, 2012

Progress Weeks 13-14

Tray seven is done, 17 to go! Below are pictures after tray 7. I was in a rush had just eaten. I didn't have time to brush so some of the pictures show just how super stained your teeth are after food and drink. Insane right? I've decided to try to add side shots to the set because this seems to be where things are doing the most movement right now.

The lockjaw and craziness of not really having a matched bite has become more "normal" for me. I think my teeth have gotten used to moving around all loosey goosey so I don't really have as much pain after a new trays. It's kinda of sore after I take of the trays for sure, but no major headaches or tension like I had when I first started Invisalign. Kind of hard to believe that I'll been wearing my trays for almost 4 months now. I'll be moving into tray 9 in just a few days. Kind of exciting to be coming up on the halfway mark (tray 12) before I know it! :)

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Doing pretty good. I haven't been wearing my trays as much as I should - more like 18-20 hours rather than 20-22 but it hasn't been an issue. Things are moving around well, pain isn't constant in any way. I floss every night and have a brushing routine that isn't psycho. Things are good and it's more "routine" now. Not gonna lie though, I'm ready to have these things off. June 2013 can't come soon enough!

Progress Weeks 11-12

Here are my pictures after tray six, with 18 remaining trays.All attachments are still on, though I did get worried one day when I popped my tray on and something came loose. It was food. HA! Where did that come from? : O

Maybe I'm crazy but I feel like my teeth are looking MORE crooked on the bottom than before. I keep inspecting the trays, to make sure things are matching up and they are but who knows LOL. The lockjaw and popping is constant now, can be painful. When I was on tray 6 it was definitely the worst it'd been. I started taking the soma (muscle relaxer) which helped more than I thought it would. I'm behind on these post so I'm trying to get caught up.

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Slacked on wearing my trays enough during tray 6. Hadn't been wearing my trays as much as I should - more like 16-20 hours instead of 20-22. OUCH. I still floss every night and the next tray went on without issue due to me being good about wearing it the few days before the switch! I blame snacking and delicious non-clear liquids. :)